Thursday, March 5, 2009

No comprendo

I have been reading on the BBC news website that the ICC (International Criminal Court) has issued a warrant for the arrest of Omar al-Bashir, the president/dictator/radical leader of Sudan (where all the atrocities of Darfur are taking place, you should look it up if you haven't heard of it). I was excited and thought this was finally a good move in the right direction for thousands of people being raped, murdered, starved, and tortured, however there seems to be an even bigger enemy than they aforementioned al-Bashir and that is.......... politics.
Not only has al-Bashir now kicked out 10 different aid agencies that supply food and water to over an estimated 1.5 million people but he is telling his followers at huge rallies that these organizations were only using their aid relief as a cover and really are just there for their political agenda's.. How long before he kicks the rest of the relief organizations out?

There are also a number of countries, China included, that is telling the UN and the security council essentially to back off because this may make al-Bashir upset....... Really?! The estimated 300,000 dead, and 2.7 million displaced not to mention all the unbelievable acts occurring in between these two numbers, and the UN should just back off????

My favorite part is where this man (if you can even call him that) says this wonderful quote:
"They claim that human rights are being violated in Sudan," he said."We defy them to come here in Sudan and show us what's happening here."

Ummmmm what?!?!?! You're kidding right?????

The BBC article is very good, and you have access to a lot of history regarding Sudan and the Darfur region that has been so widely publicised lately. I don't understand how the whole world can pussyfoot (excuse my language) around this person who is responsible for ordering and carrying out all of these crimes against humanity. I don't understand politics, but they sure do piss me off when it comes between life and death and human rights.

1 comment:

morganrenee said...

"where all the atrocities of Darfur are taking place, you should look it up if you haven't heard of it"

You should bow your head in shame if you haven't heard of it!

Do you have a link to the article?? It's sometimes so unimaginable what people can be made to believe, ie: that aid agencies are not there to help but are there with a personal agenda. Bull.