Thursday, March 19, 2009

Whole Foods...

Did you hear about the story out of an Oklahoma Whole Foods where they found the worlds deadliest spider (The Brazilian Wandering Spider) just hanging out in the produce section!!!! Holy cow I would have died if I had found it (who am I kidding I would have died if I had SEEN it)!!!

"On Sunday an employee found the spider wandering across the bananas in the produce section"

Apparently this sort of thing "happens all the time" but this is such a dangerous and aggressive spider with a really strong venom (30 min. after a bite your toast). It is going to be awhile before I can go to a produce section again!!! Thankfully the local farmer markets will start opening soon and I won't have to worry about an attack from a deadly spider.......


morganrenee said...

Not cool! Did it ride in on the bananas or something??

morganrenee said...

I went to the grocery store yesterday. Bought bananas. Was very careful. Can't be too careful...