Monday, February 23, 2009

Let's blow this Popsicle stand!

Do you ever get the feeling like you just need to get away. I am not just talking about a vacation, I mean you just need to leave right now and drive or fly anywhere away from where you are right now. I don't mean to run away from a problem or a person or situation, we have all felt that. I mean sometimes I am in the car, and I am literally running through places I could go right now. Sometimes I just want to get away. My Mother says I am full of wanderlust, I suppose she 's right. I feel tied down right now, knowing that I don't have any big adventurous trips planned. Usually they will come up on there own, but it is hard not having a trip booked. I am supposed to be in Egypt right now, maybe that is why I am having a hard time with my lack of travel plans, or maybe it is because I am changing my files over at work and bored, or maybe I am just lost right now...

Thought, Pause, Thought

Hello to all! I am hoping you all had a good weekend. I had one of my "winter weekends", even though Saturday was a beautiful day. One thing that I do on Monday's (when I remember) is to hit one of my favorite new websites and get a good laugh or atleast a smile across my face. This site is new to me, but apparently old to most others. It will brighten your day! I found this one this morning....

Also, on a completely different subject does anyone else take issue with McDonalds advertising their burgers as 100% beef..........Anyone? I feel like that is one of those things that SHOULD be a given, but now that they are saying it, doesn't it make you wonder what they were before they started saying it? I mean it isn't even like they are saying Angus beef, or USDA choice, they are simply saying 100% beef.......uh, it is a burger, it should be......Yet another reason why I do not eat red meat from that fine establishment.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

TV for Tuesday

I love me some TV, I know it isn't healthy, I could be doing so much more with my time, it drains your imagination, blah blah blah, I love it so deal with it. Some of my (more) guilty pleasures in the TV department are found on the BRAVO TV channel. That's right, it is the Real Housewives of OC, New York, and Atlanta! I love these ladies, well sometimes I love to despise these ladies but all the same it is damn good entertainment. Most the time they are a great example of how NOT to handle yourself, but every once in awhile they surprise me and say or do something mature! The ladies of New York (pictured above) are a fiesty bunch, not to be taken lightly! But the original ladies of Orange County (pictured below) are almost alway shocking, especially how these people raise their children!!! Season ending of the OC and beginning of NYC a good night to have a DVR!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Another Question for Tuesday

I had another question and it just happens to be a Tuesday so maybe this will be a new segment on my blog that I can feature. What else is a Tuesday good for really, it is not the beginning, middle, or end of the week. It is like the middle child that doesn't even get to be THE middle child!

Question: Does it count as recycling if my dog eats it?

Cutie Pie

I stole this picture from Lindsey, it was to cute not to share!! Look how cute Ivy is in her little outfit.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Question for Tuesday.

Last night I was preparing my salad for dinner, and I remember I had some blue cheese in the fridge (I buy the already crumbled version because I just like to put it on the salads). I had just opened it a couple weeks ago, not to terribly long ago, but it looked a little fury. So I chose not to put it on my salad. So here is my question.....

Does blue cheese go bad? And if yes, what are the indicators that it has in fact gone bad?

Monday, February 2, 2009


So this weekend I watched a documentary called FLOW (For Love Of Water). It scared me and gave me the heebie jeebies!!! What are they doing to our water, and how in the heck can anyone own, and shut off rights for anyone else to have water!!! When I visited the website for the movie where you can "take action" it had some really interesting links to different organizations with good quality products to buy, or ideas of what you can do to help the worldwide issue, and even petitions to sign. I urge you to check it out, and check out the cause of saving our water!

I really enjoy watching documentaries, I think that they give us a special kind of insight into the world that is very unique, and specific to whatever issue or genre they are filming. They make me cry, they make me laugh, and generally make me aware of something I may not have known was an issue before. Some hilarious documentaries are : Trekkies, Spellbound. They are just great!