Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Studying for the big test

Rather than just buying flash cards with vocabulary words on them, I decided to up the study time efficiency and go ahead and get flash cards with vocab AND math!!! I know it blew my mind too!! It turns out I remember nothing about math, the good news, my vocab isn't as bad as I originally thought. So as I am reading these math flash cards, I start reading about polynomials, binomials and monomials and I am hoping that whatever they are talking about isn't contagious when I realize this is all stuff I am supposed to know. I wish I had my professor from college back because I know I learned all this stuff from him and he was great. Now I am left wondering what I did with all those notes from school, I know I kept them somewhere!!!

No worries though because while I was buying the flash cards I also purchased a few books, because I can't resist. So now my one week of study/prep time will be split between reading and actually studying!! **Note to self, try and focus on one thing, multi-tasking only slows you down..
I picked up a couple books, but one of them was "The Alchemist" which I have heard of and was excited it ended up right in front of my face, so that I could remember I wanted to read that (haha).

And finally on a political note I believe I have finally figured out who I am going to vote for. Lets just hope this person makes it on the ballot. I don't know if you guys have voted in your local primaries or if they have happened yet but it is pretty big news that Oregon is even holding its primary let alone that people are actually paying attention. I regrettably will not be partaking in this event seeing as how Oregon has a closed (or open) primary which means that only registered Dem., or Rep. can vote in the primary and seeing as how I am not registered as either I am waiving my chance to vote. So I am entrusting others with this decision, because well lets face it I think I know who I like but anyone is better than what we have now!!!!!!

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