Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Catch up!

Just some random stuff!

This is a double rainbow that was out the other day, but the bottom rainbow was SOOOO bright!!

This is my beautiful niece, who is posing as a diva in this picture!

The kick a$$ kickball team I have been playing with for 3 seasons now!! We are starting our 4th season together in June for summer kickball!!! (when the beer really starts flowing)

These are photos from my birthday party! I had a fantastic time hanging with the girls and drank a whole-lotta Vodka which is evident in the photo below which actually captures me the instant I am spilling my drink all over myself!!! Good news, my jeans caught all of the spill, I didn't even get any on my white shirt!!!

1 comment:

morganrenee said...

Hahah! You can totally see your drink starting to spill. I didn't notice that before.

I LOVE the kickball pic, by the way. Lovely!