Tuesday, December 22, 2009


I have really been thinking about blogging since August (I promise) but again I find that my thoughts don't just write themselves. A lot has been going on lately and not so much all at the same time. First and foremost some very big news, I have officially been medically cleared by the Peace Corps and now I just wait for a placement officer to contact me!!! Yes it does mean more waiting, but I am in a new stage, one step closer to the intended goal which brings me that much closer to NOT waiting anymore. See how that works.

I just returned from a week in Hawaii and it was a much needed vacation! I was on the Big Island for a week! I went snorkeling twice, saw a dolphin, two whales (pretty close up) and a jelly fish! I took my first helicopter ride and saw lava flowing into the ocean! The helicopter landed in an area that was reminiscent of Jurassic Park like settings. It was beautiful and warm and I had great company with my aunt and cousin. I will try and get some pictures posted up sooner rather than later.

My niece is growing like wildfire and I can't believe we are about to meet my nephew in just a few short months! Christmas time is here and trying to find gifts for everyone is proving to be a bit more difficult than I had expected, but then again it always seems to be. I just finished the new Jon Krakauer book, Where Men Win Glory: The Odyssey of Pat Tillman. It was a great read, struggled at times because it would dive in and out of historical facts and would reference many different groups and people that were at times hard to keep track of, but he did a great job (as usual with Krakauer) of detailing the truth behind the person. He illistrates strengths and weeknesses laying out the character of Pat Tillman with what I beleive to be dedication and respect. It is a very hard sobering read! It emphasizes the best of what Americans can be, and the absolute worst that the governement is capable of when they are trying to protect their own agenda and image. His widow, family and friends have developed the Pat Tillman Foundation, which educates people and promotes leadership and change through service. I highly recommend it. If you have ever loved someone you will cry! Be prepared!

I hope that everyone has a wonderful Christmas!

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