Monday, January 12, 2009

New Year, New Look

So I decided to change the look of my blog.....again. I needed a new look, for the new year. I am leaving for DC on Sunday and I am so excited. By the time I return I will probably be an Aunt, seeing as how my brother and his wife are about to go into labor at any minute! I can hardly wait. Also it just hit me last night that I am going be among millions of people at the inauguration. That is a little daunting if you think about all of those people within one small area, at one single event! (Lets keep our fingers crossed I don't have any panic attacks surrounded by mass crowds.)

Since it is a new year I wanted to make up a list of things I am looking forward to, thankful for having, and excited to continue in the new year:
1) Becoming an Aunt!
2) Trips to visit my friends and family.
3) Starting a new Kickball season
4) Starting a "Gathering Group" with my friends
5) The new book club I joined with some new friends
6) Autumns new work schedule
7) Zoe's first birthday

I hope the new year finds you all well!!

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