Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Fruits & Veggies vs. Meat & Pies

Well as some of you may already know I have decided to do a 3 day strict fruit and veggie detox. After three days I can start implementing fish, brown rice, and oatmeal. After that I can start introducing things as I want them. I just felt that my diet wasn't what it should be and it was time to change things up and clean things out. So currently I am in day two!!! I am experiencing a few head aches which my Doctor warned me about, but also a lot of food cravings!!! Mostly I am craving sushi probably because I know I am going to go hit that up as soon as I can eat fish!!! But I was looking at my netflix movie list and read about a movie that had Kevin Bacon in it, so I started craving bacon, this morning I woke up craving a big hunk of cheese!! Don't get me wrong I am enjoying the fruits & veggies (eating a delicious pear right now) but they are not what I would consider a meal. For dinner last night I had a plum, and a bowl of edemame, and for dessert was watermelon, a delicious meal and thanks to the nalgene of water I drank with it I was full. I am hoping that the cravings will start to subside once I can eat more proteins and whole wheats. So I just have to remind myself, only one more day to go!!!