Saturday, July 3, 2010

Flea bite log, July 3 2010

The bites just keep coming. I spray with repellent and with stuff that kills them and yet I keep getting new bites. Oh well right, it builds character.

I have returned safely and soundly from my permanent site visit. It was a relief to find everything out and at the same time the pressure is building because I want to be ready and able to fulfill the needs of my community. I have been placed very close to the second largest city in Bulgaria, Plovdiv. I will have the best of both worlds, village life with the ease and comfort of city life. Here are some pics from my future apt.

This bathroom is so nice it might as well be plated in gold!! I have this all to myself in a few short weeks.

This is my living room/bedroom, that is full size bed you see, no twin bed for me.

I will be working with the Cultural Center in my town, helping to create programs and activities, in order to help make it more used and useful to the community. I will also work with the schools and the Mayor on a few projects. They are excited to have me and I am just as excited to be working with them.

We are going to complete our "Community Project" this weekend and pair it with our 4th of July celebration as long as the weather cooperates. Hopefully it will because I don''t really know what we will get another opportunity but I am sure it will all work out.

Lets talk about packages briefly. I will have my address very soon and hope to start recieving some packages as well. Some people have expressed that they just don't know what to send. Well lucky for you I have a few ideas, you can send anything and I would be happy and thrilled but a few things I have thought of are: a fave lip gloss or eye liner, food, nail polish or clear fast drying top coat polish, manicure set, seasoning packets, PICTURES, games, movies, cd's, magazines. This is a pretty good overview of things for now that I would enjoy getting. I can get much more specific and probably will as time goes on. Also the USPS has what is called an M-bag which may be worth looking into if anyone is interested in sending me books.

Hope everyone is well. I miss you all!


Team Swinehart said...

I love your apt and know once you get moved you will be less stressed! Love you.

morganrenee said...

AWESOME tile in the bathroom.

That's wonderful that you have your own apartment! Sounds like a great placement too. :)