So this weekend I watched a documentary called FLOW (For Love Of Water). It scared me and gave me the heebie jeebies!!! What are they doing to our water, and how in the heck can anyone own, and shut off rights for anyone else to have water!!! When I visited the website for the movie where you can "take action" it had some really interesting links to different organizations with good quality products to buy, or ideas of what you can do to help the worldwide issue, and even petitions to sign. I urge you to check it out, and check out the cause of saving our water!
I really enjoy watching documentaries, I think that they give us a special kind of insight into the world that is very unique, and specific to whatever issue or genre they are filming. They make me cry, they make me laugh, and generally make me aware of something I may not have known was an issue before. Some hilarious documentaries are : Trekkies, Spellbound. They are just great!
Spellbound is a really fun movie, I loved it. I'll have to check out this new one, though I really don't need another cause to worry...
Have you heard of this website:
I've never watched one of the documentaries, but my landlords love it.
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