Thursday, July 31, 2008

Hello August!

Well it is adios to to July and hello to August!! July has proved to be a great month, and I am hopefully that August will be just as good if not better. Kickball is wrapping up only 2 more games after tonight, and I am only 2 weeks away from leaving on my trip to Northern Europe. This trip is highly anticipated and should prove to be interesting. I am lucky enough to be going with my family, which is really my first trip traveling with family outside of immediate family members, should be fun!! I am still hoping to get up to the zoo before I leave for my trip but we will see if that works out. I can't believe after almost 18 months of talking about this trip and things going back and forth, in about 14 days we will be descending upon the great city of London, and then we are headed out from there!!!

I stopped at the local farmers market yesterday and bought more fruit than any one person probably ever should. I do plan on eating all the great stuff I got, but I may end up needing to freeze some of the blueberries. So needless to say I am on a bit of a fruit frenzy right now (see picture in previous post) and I just can't believe how good they all taste!! It makes me sad to think that in a couple weeks it will all be gone, and I will have to wait another year before the summer fruit season is upon us.

Thanks to all those who made July a great month, I am looking forward to August!!!

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