Well I am down to three days left here in South Africa. Today Mckenzie and I went and got pedicures. We also went shopping and got some final things needed for Zoe's room. We also went out to dinner tonight. We went to this Portuguese restaurant. Beside the fact that it was really good food and fun place, we also treated ourselves to a bottle of the best!!! We had a bottle of Beyerskloof Pinotage(sp) wine.... A pinotage is made specifically in South Africa, I believe that some vineyards in california are trying to make it but it originated here and man is it good!!! Kenzie and I also went to a vineyard yesterday which is my favorite name to pronounce it is Vergelegen (all the "G's" have a thick german pronunciation) I got a few bottles of Merlot there, and tomorrow I am going to pick up a few bottles of Pinotage. Needless to say wine tasting at my house when I get home.
Guess what?? This weekend Rolf is making one of his specialties. It is a grilled cheese sandwich made on the BBQ!!! How good does that sound!!! Oh man I can' wait. Also we are having my favorite dinner that I have had here on sunday!!! I will get the name and spelling for you when I figure it out. It is sausage on a roll with tomatoes, onion, and chutney in a sauce that makes it SO SO SO good!!!!!
I would also like to say April, happy belated birthday!!!! Sam I can't wait to see you when you get to Oregon!! Mom I miss you and I am actually looking forward to getting back to work!!!!
Pinotage is a grape variety and they do grow and make it in California.
Beyerskloof Pinotage is super -- why not go to the winery for lunch, it is just outside Stellenbosch?
i wish i could be there to wine taste! sounds amazing!!!! travel safe lady!
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