Monday, February 18, 2008

Only a few days left...

Well I am leaving Friday for my journey to South Africa and I can barely stand it! I realize I am facing possibly some of the worst travel time I have ever had to deal with, and it is extensive (27 hours). I am arriving two whole days after I leave!!! But after quickly chatting with Mckenzie today I am stoked, and more than ready for this endeavor.

I am also realizing that this whole Blog thing actually means I have to take time to right a blog, they just don't appear out of my head. Shocking I know. Sometimes actually knocking it out of my head seems to be the hards part. I am sure I will be releasing all my wit and wisdom for all to read soon.


RiceCake said...

that is how i know i am abnormal, i think of random crap to blog about more often then i need to! travel safe honey, you will be the sexiest chick on the plan whether you go nekked or dressed as a sack o' potatoes! :) take care of u!!!

Unknown said...

Good Luck and have an awesome time, I know I did!


Joanne said...

I am sitting here @ Viesko thinking of you flying off to Frankfurt, and then on to Cape Town today! Wow what a girtl I am so proud of you! So what's new about that, I am always proud of you:)

Love Mom