(Wrote this blog a few days ago before my internet went out and I couldn't post it)
Yes, it has been awhile since my last post. Once again waiting around for the blogger elves to blog for me did not pay off. Maybe I should talk to their union rep? Where should I begin............
Well October was a great month. There was a really fun Volunteer party I went to on 10/10/10 and got to meet a lot of people I either had not met yet, or didn't really know.
This is a random one from a night out that I thought I would throw in,
Henry in his chair on wheels! |
At the end of October I took my first vacation and flew to the Netherlands to meet up with my family. Through powers greater than my own, my sister-in-law Lindsey, along with my Brother and their 2 adorable kids, were transferred to work on a project in Netherlands and have been there since August. They were originally supposed to leave at the end of October, which caused my parents to fly out at that time in order to help them with the move back, and me to fly in to catch a glimpse of them because that is just to close not to see them. The great news is that it was a wonderful visit.
Ivy my niece is talking more and more everyday. Henry my nephew is probably the sweetest thing I have ever seen. His eyes light up and then he gets this enormous smile on his face. When I left the states he was just over 2 months old. So getting to see him and his personality was a real treat when I thought I had said good-bye for two years.
Ben and Linds got Ivy this bear in Gouda. |
The even better news (for me) is that Lindsey's project got extended and they are there until April, which means I can squeeze another visit in before they head back.
My Mom and Ivy |
Lindsey and Henry |
So that brings us into November. The weather here has been very warm unseasonably warm in fact. The mosquitoes have been attacking every night. I have found out that they will bite you anywhere that you leave exposed: lips, eye lids, hands etc. I don't know why I thought there were certain places that were off limit in mosquito etiquette, obviously I have learned otherwise. I am still working with a group of kids after school. The schedule switches with them every month, their schedules change here between afternoon and morning shift. So sometimes we meet before school, sometimes after school. They have been great and I have a very loyal following. They give me energy ever time we meet and are so much fun to work with. I also have an adult English class now. I will probably add another one, but am trying to find some more projects before I add another one. The adults have been great. I have a group of 14, and about 12 show up daily. It is great to get to meet them and interact with them. I brought in some banana bread I made and they really seemed to like it. I really look forward to getting to be friends with them. The B26'ers also had our In-service Training Conference at the end of November. It was great seeing the group together, and also staying in the amazing hotel we stayed at!

I am also privately tutoring some people. I have been working with one women, Snejana, for a few months now. She is wonderful! She lives in Plovdiv and is a nice friend to have. I worked with her son, Stoyan, for awhile while he prepared for an interview.
This is Snejana with one of her Mosaics at her winery. |
Now through my English class I have made another friend. Her name is Ivanka. She is about my age and lives very near to my house. She and I talk in Bulgarian and English and it is a wonderful exchange. She doesn't judge my Bulgarian abilities, and I help her with her all ready pretty good English.
Things here seem to be moving along nicely. I am reaching out to a lot more people I meet in order to get out there and find more projects. At the end of December I will have completed my 5th month of Volunteer service!