Wednesday, December 24, 2008


My favorite Christmas movie is the 1954 classic "White Christmas" (see above). Nothing says Christmas more than Bing Crosby. He is the top of my list when it comes down to it. He is the epitome of class, elegance, and he is just plain dreamy! Here is the song from the very end of the movie, for those of you who may not have the time to sit through the whole movie. Enjoy!!

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

It is the eve of Christmas as I write this blog, it is so hard to believe another year has gone by. Christmas is just around the corner only to be gone again before we know it, until the next year and we think how quickly it came up and surprised us all. This Christmas is very unusual. For those of us in the Pacific Northwest it is rare because it's a white Christmas, which let me tell you does not happen often. I remember once it actually snowed on Christmas Eve, I think I was about 13, and it hasn't happened again since then that I can recall. Second this Christmas is being postponed (at least for my family) because of the weather. My family and I won't be getting together on Christmas, or Christmas Eve and it is really hard to explain how that is effecting me. I wish that we could all be together as we are every year but certainly the safely and well being of my family exceeds the need to see them all on December 24Th, seeing them on December 27Th will suffice if they are all there safely in one piece. I have always been very introspective around this holiday, often shutting myself off from everyone around me, just so I can can take a good hard look at myself and check in with where I am at in my life. After a while I am always able to pull myself out of this and rejoin reality and and check back in to life. I know why this holiday is full of joy for so many, and also why it can be very hard for others. Because during this holiday, nothing is more evident than what is truly important and what each of us truly wants. More than any physical/tangible gift, it is the seen and unseen gift of life and love that shines the brightest. May you enjoy the light of the life, and loved ones that are in your life, and may they guide and keep you safe and happy!!! Merry Christmas


Thursday morning when I finally made it to work through all the snow and ice, I was greeted with an email from my Congressman telling me that I (along with a few others) had been selected, from all the hundreds of requests to receive two tickets to the inauguration ceremony of our 44th President Barack Obama! I am still in shock and completely on cloud nine over this amazing news. Millions of people are expected in DC for this awesome event but my guest and I are going to have tickets!!! Imagine it...........

Monday, December 1, 2008

Completely Wasted!

Ok besides the fact that the subject of my blog sounds like I went to a raging party over the weekend, I didn't. In fact I didn't do a lot this weekend, I am referring to the two hours of (completely wasted) time I set aside to watch a movie. In between the reading and other activities, I managed to watch a couple movies in my time out from life and I figured out the only thing worse than missing the ending of a good movie, is missing the ending of a bad movie! Seriously what the hell! There I was laying on my couch being lazy watching a movie that I wouldn't recommend or watch again, but I had recorded it on my DVR so I decided what better time than the present to watch it. The dang thing didn't get recorded all the way! BASTARDS!! I could go into lengths about how annoying that is but lets be honest we have all been there. I put all that time into watching this bad movie thinking it will be over soon and I will see the cheesy ending, and then I was robbed of my guilty pleasure!! It cut off right as the story was getting thick in plot...Oh well the world is still turning.

Hope everyone had a great Holiday!!